German Shepherd Dog (long coat) : : Male (neutered) : : Adult : : X-Large Learn more about the German Shepherd Dog.
Max needs a caretaker or foster! Won't you consider helping him get a new start? PLEASE NOTE: Animal visits are by appointment only! Contact us or send a Facebook message. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Max is with us they no fault of his own. His owner decided he didn’t have time for him any more so he is hoping Max finds an active family with room and time for a wonderful dog. Max appears to be very gentle, non reactive to the other dogs at the rescue but understandably upset about being surrendered. A 6’ fence would be ideal for him until he understands he’s in a new home. He spent a lot of his time outside. He does know a few commands and really enjoys drinking water straight from the hose, maybe a water baby! More about MaxGood with Dogs, Good with Older/Considerate Kids Only, Somewhat vocal, Requires a yard, Leashtrained, Affectionate, Intelligent Other Pictures of Max (click to see larger version):
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